Wednesday 1 October 2014


The Beatitudes (Discussion Questions)

Read Matthew 5:3-10

The "Be Attitudes" are all about being honest and sincere. These "attitudes" change our character (Beatitudes 1-4) and guide us in getting along with others (Beatitudes 5-8). Beatitudes are the stepping stones to better thinking, better behaving, better healing, and better relationships.
  • Who taught them? [JESUS]
  • What are beatitudes? [Rules of happiness]
  • When were they taught? [1st century AD—about 2000 years ago, but still applicable today]
  • Where would you find the Beatitudes? [Matt 5:3-12; Luke 6:20-26]
  • Why are they important? [They summarize Jesus' teachings, represented by how he lived and how he healed sin, disease, and death.]
  • How are the Beatitudes constructed? [Each has a REQUIREMENT to be met in order to receive the REWARD]
  1. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (King James Version)
  • What does this verse mean to you?
  • What does it mean to be poor in spirit?
  • Describe the kingdom of heaven.
  • What does "blessed" mean? [Happy]
    • Ask the students to share their definitions of "happiness."
      • What makes you happy?
      • What kind of happiness do you think Jesus was talking about?
  • Ask the students to paraphrase the first beatitude?
  • Other translations indicate that when people are poor in spirit, they are ready to listen to God. They are willing to give up on "their own will" and trust God's will for their lives.
    • List some people we've studied in the Bible who yielded to God's will.
    • Name some Bible characters who were good listeners.
    • How can you be a good listener?
    • What does it require to be poor in spirit?
  1. How happy are those who know what sorrow means, for they will be given courage and comfort! (Philips)
  • Why should we know what sorrow means?
  • How can sad people be happy?
  • Do you know what sorrow means?
  • What is our reward for understanding sorrow?
  1. You're blessed when you're content with just who you are—no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.(The Message)

    Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. (KJV)
  • What does this verse mean to you? In other translations – it speaks of the meek inheriting the earth.
  • In other translations – it speaks of the meek inheriting the earth.
    • What does it mean to be meek?
    • Was Jesus meek?
    • What does inherit mean?
    • What does it mean to inherit the earth?
  • Meekness requires us to yield up our will and follow God's will for our lives.
    • Are you willing to see what God has prepared for your life?
    • Are you courageous enough to trust God with your life?
  • Name some Bible characters who demonstrated meekness.
  • Name some Bible characters who needed to learn meekness.
  • Are you meek?
  • Do you want to be meek?
  1. Happy are those who are hungry and thirsty for goodness, for they will be fully satisfied! (Philips)
  • What does this verse mean to you?
  • What does it mean to hunger for goodness?
  • Are you happy when you're hungry?
  • Why do you think Jesus would want us to be hungry and thirsty for goodness?
  • What kind of a meal is that?
  • The reward says we'll be fully satisfied – what does that mean?
  • How filling is goodness?
  • Have you ever been hungry? Thirsty?
    • For how long?
    • What did it take for you to be filled?
  • Have you ever really been hungry to achieve something?
    • Winning a game or race?
    • Getting an A on a test or paper?
    • Going on a vacation?
  • Name some figures in the Bible who really hungered after righteousness.
    • What about the three wise-men – what were they hungering to find?
    • What about the Prodigal son?
    • What about the woman who touched Jesus' garment hem?
    • Or the blind men calling after Jesus?
  1. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (King James Version)
  • What does this verse mean to you?
  • What does it mean to be merciful?
  • Is merciful a quality of motherhood? Fatherhood?
  • What is mercy?
  • Have you ever asked for mercy?
  • How does a mother show mercy?
  • In what ways has your mother shown you mercy?
  • List some people we've studied in the Bible who were merciful.
    • Joseph with his brothers
    • Esau, when Jacob returned after years of flight
    • David with King Saul
    • Ruth and Boaz
    • David and Abigail
      • I'm sure you can name many more
  1. You're blessed when you get your inside world – your mind and heart – put right. Then you can see God in the outside world. (The Message)
  • What does this verse mean to you?
  • What does it mean to get your inside world right?
  • What do we have to do with our lives to be ready to see God?
  • Have you ever seen God? [in effect?]
  1. You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That's when you discover who you really are, and your place in God's family. (The Message)
  • What does this verse mean to you?
  • What does it mean to have a place in God's family?
  • Who is God's family?
  • How have you been a peacemaker this week?
  • What does it mean to be a child of God?
  • What is a peacemaker?
  • When are you a peacemaker?
  • Name some peacemakers you know at school. Church. Home. Or in the news.
  • Why do we need peacemakers?
    • What award is given once a year to a peacemaker? [Nobel Peace Prize]
  • Who are children of God?
  • Name some peacemakers in the Bible.
    • What was the situation?
    • How did they bring peace?
  1. Happy are those who have suffered persecution for the cause of goodness, for the kingdom of Heaven is theirs! (Philips)
  • What does this verse mean to you?
  • What does persecution mean?
  • How can you be happy when people try to make you unhappy?
  • Has anyone teased you or put you down for your religious beliefs?
    • Made fun of you for reading the Bible?
    • Or for believing in God?
  • How did Jesus handle persecution?
  • Why would Jesus want us to be happy to be persecuted for his sake?
  • Name some figures in the Bible who were persecuted? [Stephen, Paul, Jesus, Peter, James, John, Daniel, Joseph, David, Jacob, the three Hebrew boys – add more to the list]
    • Why were they persecuted?

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