Tuesday 8 July 2014

6TH JULY 2014

The Beatitudes

<i>The Beatitudes</i>, Jesus Mafa

The Beatitudes are the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-10). Jesus teaches us that if we live according to the Beatitudes, we will live a happy Christian life. The Beatitudes do not provide specific directions on how we should live our lives, as the Ten Commandments do. Rather, they inspire us to adopt a certain mindset or vision for our lives, namely, the vision of Jesus Christ. The Beatitudes challenge us to be people of virtue. Virtue is a firm attitude, mindset, or disposition to do good. For the virtuous person, doing good is a habit. Through the Beatitudes, Jesus calls us to change our vision and learn that in order to be happy (blessed), we must be peace-loving, merciful, clean of heart, and meek.
Living the Beatitudes is a lifelong task because the Beatitudes turn upside down the values of the world. The world sets up the rich to be first; Jesus puts the poor on top of the world. The world tells us to seek happiness at all costs; Jesus saw happiness in mourning. The world values power over others; Jesus praised the meek. The world encourages self-fulfillment; Jesus told us to work for justice. The world says that the merciless succeed; Jesus proclaimed blessed the merciful. The world announces, Go for the gold!; Jesus taught us to keep our hearts pure. The world honors the winners of wars; Jesus celebrated peacemakers. The world sees the persecuted as losers; Jesus declared them the winners.
So what are some ways that we can develop the Beatitudes in our own lives? First, we can rest assured that the Holy Spirit is already at work within us, drawing us toward God and inspiring our desire to be a Beatitudes-type of person. Second, like anything we hope to develop in ourselves, we must be open, learn, and study. Pay attention to the people you know who model a particular beatitude. Think of ways you can model their behavior in your own life. Finally, talk with God in prayer. Ask him to help you out and to teach you how to develop the Beatitudes in your mind, heart, and actions.


   The Beatitudes,  a lesson from Jesus              
 Sermon on the Mount                               This is a true story!
1. "Blessed are the poor in spirit,  for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. ("poor in spirit" means someone who depends on God for everything)2. Blessed are they who mourn,  for they shall be comforted.
 who are sorry for sins will be comforted by the Scriptures that teach forgiveness)3. Blessed are the meek,  for they shall inherit the earth. (meek people are able to look beyond SELF and enjoy this 'fascinating' earth that God has made)
4. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,  for they shall be satisfied
(reading the Scriptures will satisfy!)

5. Blessed are the merciful,  for they shall obtain mercy(give mercy to your neighbor and God will give mercy to you)
6. Blessed are the pure of heart,  for they shall see God
(to be pure means to be free of all selfishness)

7. Blessed are the peacemakers,  for they shall be called children of God (if we imitate God's love of man, we become children of God)
8. Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

9. Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you, because of Me."


1.  Blessed are the poor in spirit...
for they shall be children of God
for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven
for they shall be called sons of God

2. Blessed are those who mourn...
for they shall see God
for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven
for they shall be comforted

3. Blessed are the meek...
for they shall inherit the earth
for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven
for they shall be comforted

4.  Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness...
for they shall be children of God
for they shall be comforted
for they shall be filled

5. Blessed are the merciful...
for they shall receive mercy
for they shall be comforted
for they shall inherit the earth

6. Blessed are the pure in heart...
for they shall inherit the earth
for they shall see God
for they shall be comforted

7.  Blessed are the peacemakers...
for they shall be called the children of God
for they shall be comforted
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

8. Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness...
for they shall inherit the earth
for they shall see God
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

9. Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you...
because of Me
because of the prophets
because of your brother

Read Matthew 5:3-10
The "Be Attitudes" are all about being honest and sincere. These "attitudes" change our character (Beatitudes 1-4) and guide us in getting along with others (Beatitudes 5-8). Beatitudes are the stepping stones to better thinking, better behaving, better healing, and better relationships.
  • Who taught them? [JESUS]
  • What are beatitudes? [Rules of happiness]
  • When were they taught? [1st century AD—about 2000 years ago, but still applicable today]
  • Where would you find the Beatitudes? [Matt 5:3-12; Luke 6:20-26]
  • Why are they important? [They summarize Jesus' teachings, represented by how he lived and how he healed sin, disease, and death.]
  • How are the Beatitudes constructed? [Each has a REQUIREMENT to be met in order to receive the REWARD]
  1. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 
  • What does this verse mean to you?
  • What does it mean to be poor in spirit?
  • Describe the kingdom of heaven.
  • What does "blessed" mean? [Happy]
    • Ask the students to share their definitions of "happiness."
      • What makes you happy?
      • What kind of happiness do you think Jesus was talking about?
  • Ask the students to paraphrase the first beatitude?
  • Other translations indicate that when people are poor in spirit, they are ready to listen to God. They are willing to give up on "their own will" and trust God's will for their lives.
    • List some people we've studied in the Bible who yielded to God's will.

    • Name some Bible characters who were good listeners.

    • How can you be a good listener?

    • What does it require to be poor in spirit?

  1. Teachable
  2. Humble
  3. Willing to trust God completely
  4. Receptive
  5. Realizing the need to daily look to God for any and every answer.

What doesn't get to go into the kingdom?
  • Pride, Fear, Ignorance – because they make one rich in material thinking, which keeps us spiritually poor.
  • Negative attitudes (poor in spirit) hide God's presence, but a change in thinking instantly shows the kingdom of heaven is within us—here, right now.
Paraphrasing of Beatitude # 1
  • Happy are those who trust in God and are humble enough to ask for His guidance in everything that needs to be done; for they accept the rewards of living closely with God.
  • Happy are those who recognize that material riches are of no help and that they are ready, willing, and able to be obedient to God's abundant plan for them.

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