Wednesday 9 July 2014

13 JULY 2014 LESSON 17




MATTHEW 4:4 ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God

How happy are those who know what sorrow means, for they will be given courage and comfort!

Sometimes we feel sad because of a bad experience, a poor test grade, a failure in a sports event. At the time, such things may seem so important. But at that very moment, you are comforted by God's unconditional love for you. Find this comfort in your ability to try again, correct a mistake, rejoice in another's victory.

  • Why should we know what sorrow means?for they will be given courage and comfort!
  • How can sad people be happy?   when they are comforted by God's unconditional love 
  • Do you know what sorrow means?
  • What is our reward for understanding sorrow?we will be given courage and comfort! 
Paraphrasing of Beatitude # 2
  • Happy are those who have done something wrong and are ready to not repeat it, for they are forgiven.
  • Happy are those who are really sad for whatever reason, because they can instantly feel God's loving arms around, beneath, and above them and everyone, arms that are always holding them securely and gently.
Create your own paraphrase of Matt 5:4
You might start your poster by making a list of the things you feel sad about.
  • Have you ever had an argument with a friend and then wished you hadn't said something?
  • Have you ever wanted to take back something you said to a family member?
  • Have you ever made a mistake and tried to hide it?
  • Did you miss getting on a team, or getting a grade you thought you deserved?
  • What else might make you feel unhappy?
  • Aren't Jesus' words wonderful, that when we feel awful about something, God is right there to comfort us?
    • What does it mean to comfort?
    • Have you ever felt comforted by God's love?
    • Have you ever comforted someone else?

Qualities of "mourning:"
  • Tears of repentance
  • Willingness to release
    • A broken heart
    • Emotional hurt
    • Sadness
    • Unhappiness
  • Sorrow for wrong doing
  • Repentance for inappropriate or dishonest behavior
  • Readiness to reconcile with God.

Qualities of being "comforted:"
  • Feelings of peace
  • Feeling forgiven
  • Feelings that everything is fine
  • Courage and freedom to move forward
  • Redemption
  • At-one-ment with God, and the understanding that good can never be lost because God is good and all that He made is very good (Gen 1:31).

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