Saturday 2 August 2014


Reconciliation practice run

To all Parents and friends  who helped out today during class with our First Mock Reconciliation......A very Big Thank you.

I believe we all learned a  great deal from this experience and and thankfully have enough time to fix some of the little mistakes and short comings.

Please be advised that for the following weeks before the First holy communion, we will be focused on understanding both the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist and lessons will be geared towards this end.

I would be very grateful if  some parents can spare their time to join in out classes like today as we prepare our children to receive these important sacraments.

In the following classes we will be going through the order of the Mass and practicing receiving the Holy Eucharist reverently .

Please prepare your child for these events by going through the examination of conscience sheets with them and help them to revise their act of Contrition and Reconciliation prayer   ...Bless me Father ..... etc.

Thank you and God bless.
Teacher Anita

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