Thursday 22 May 2014



Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened for you.

Wednesday 14 May 2014




 VIDEO CLIPS  beatitudes song with lyrics

The Sermon on the Mount

The message you're going to hear about today is all about blessings.  We use the word bless a lot but maybe don't know what it means.
If someone sneezes we usually hear someone say, "bless you!"  It's not completely clear why we say that but the word bless is a positive word.

Jesus had been walking with his disciples always teaching and talking with them.  More and more people would see Jesus and follow him because they could sense there was something special about him.  The way he spoke and what he spoke about captured everyone's attention.

This was one of those days and people had been following and Jesus decided to stop on a hillside with his disciples and teach to all who wanted to listen.Jesus will make ten points in the first part of his sermon known as the beatitudes.  All accept one of these points start with the word blessed.  So we should probably figure out what the word means before we continue.

To be blessed is to be more than happy.  Life doesn't always go our way, sometimes we get sick or someone gets hurt and of course this doesn't make us happy but being blessed is being full of joy on the inside even if things aren't perfect.It's a deeper joy because we know, as believers, that the spirit of God lives in us and we will live with him in heaven someday.

  1. Jesus starts off with blessed are those who are poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Being poor in spirit means that we aren't attached to all the stuff that we have.  That you understand that God has given you all the great things or blessings and we should be very thankful and even willing to give them up or share them with others.  All our things on earth doesn't matter because we can't take it with us to heaven which will be more amazing then we can imagine.

  1. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.  Mourning is when we're really sad.  Maybe you've cried because you got hurt or someone you knew died but this is different then that.  This is being very upset about those people that haven't heard about God or even about the sin in your life.  You might not think about these things very much yet but as you get closer to God this will bother you and that's okay.  God promises to comfort us when we need it.
  2. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.  Being meek is being patient, not easily angered and not thinking of yourself to highly.  A bad example of this in the Bible were the Pharisees.  They would make sure people knew that they were fasting and praying and seemed proud about what they were doing for God.  Except God is looking for us to do these things without putting on a show for others but doing it just for God, not for approval from others.  Doing a nice, kind thing for someone is super, but we can always keep on doing that, plus more.
  3. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.  Being righteous is impossible on our own.  Can we always do right by God?  No, and God knows that.  We can try our best to do the right thing and if we don't, we can ask for forgiveness and the forgiveness erases all the bad.  The verse not only asks us to try to be righteous but to hunger and thirst for it.  Have you ever been really hungry and thirsty?  To be truly hungry and thirsty you might have to go without food or water for more than a day or two. God wants us to need and feel like we're starving for righteousness and He will fill us up with it.
  4. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.  To have mercy is to be loving and kind to others.  This doesn't mind just being loving and kind to your family and friends but also to those who you might not know and even those you don't like.
  5. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.  Being pure is like having a clean heart.  Like the heart inside of us, it pumps blood and keeps us alive and if something is wrong with our heart we won't work right.  Jesus is talking about the place where we think and make decisions, why we do things, and our thoughts.  If we keep our mind, thoughts and decisions full of good, God says we'll understand Him more.
  6. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.  The simplest way to explain this is someone who makes peace.  Helping others to get along would be a big part of it.  The second part of this beatitude says: then you will be called the children of God.  Being God's child would mean that you truly are a part of God's family and that you're starting to be more like Him; just like we are with our parents.
  7. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  God knows that being who He wants is not the way the world acts.  By doing the opposite of the world we will be made fun of or worse because people don't understand why we don't do things only for ourselves.  By living a life doing things for others confuses the way the world thinks.  A lot of people in the world want beauty, money, and don't care about others as long as they get what they want.  This is opposite to the life God wants us to lead.  Doing the right thing isn't easy but God wants us to know that the kingdom of heaven is waiting for us if we can get through the tough times in this life.

The beatitudes end saying that we should rejoice and be glad because by following these we will receive great treasures in heaven.
God promises that we will be blessed if we follow these teachings but it's won't be easy.  We all are still figuring out how to do these things.  Don't be discouraged.  God calls us to be different than the rest of the world.

Keep in mind that the beatitudes are impossible to do without God's help.  He wants to help and be a big part of decisions you make and all that you do. 

Jesus didn't give us these beatitudes and then want us to fail.  He wanted to give us something to aim for, to work on our whole life to try to achieve. 

 He wants us to try our best and give us a life full of blessings and reward us even bigger in heaven someday. 


Friday 9 May 2014




 VIDEO CLIPS  beatitudes song with lyrics

The Sermon on the Mount

The message you're going to hear about today is all about blessings.  We use the word bless a lot but maybe don't know what it means.
If someone sneezes we usually hear someone say, "bless you!"  It's not completely clear why we say that but the word bless is a positive word.

Jesus had been walking with his disciples always teaching and talking with them.  More and more people would see Jesus and follow him because they could sense there was something special about him.  The way he spoke and what he spoke about captured everyone's attention.

This was one of those days and people had been following and Jesus decided to stop on a hillside with his disciples and teach to all who wanted to listen.Jesus will make ten points in the first part of his sermon known as the beatitudes.  All accept one of these points start with the word blessed.  So we should probably figure out what the word means before we continue.

To be blessed is to be more than happy.  Life doesn't always go our way, sometimes we get sick or someone gets hurt and of course this doesn't make us happy but being blessed is being full of joy on the inside even if things aren't perfect.It's a deeper joy because we know, as believers, that the spirit of God lives in us and we will live with him in heaven someday.

  1. Jesus starts off with blessed are those who are poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Being poor in spirit means that we aren't attached to all the stuff that we have.  That you understand that God has given you all the great things or blessings and we should be very thankful and even willing to give them up or share them with others.  All our things on earth doesn't matter because we can't take it with us to heaven which will be more amazing then we can imagine.

  1. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.  Mourning is when we're really sad.  Maybe you've cried because you got hurt or someone you knew died but this is different then that.  This is being very upset about those people that haven't heard about God or even about the sin in your life.  You might not think about these things very much yet but as you get closer to God this will bother you and that's okay.  God promises to comfort us when we need it.
  2. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.  Being meek is being patient, not easily angered and not thinking of yourself to highly.  A bad example of this in the Bible were the Pharisees.  They would make sure people knew that they were fasting and praying and seemed proud about what they were doing for God.  Except God is looking for us to do these things without putting on a show for others but doing it just for God, not for approval from others.  Doing a nice, kind thing for someone is super, but we can always keep on doing that, plus more.
  3. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.  Being righteous is impossible on our own.  Can we always do right by God?  No, and God knows that.  We can try our best to do the right thing and if we don't, we can ask for forgiveness and the forgiveness erases all the bad.  The verse not only asks us to try to be righteous but to hunger and thirst for it.  Have you ever been really hungry and thirsty?  To be truly hungry and thirsty you might have to go without food or water for more than a day or two. God wants us to need and feel like we're starving for righteousness and He will fill us up with it.
  4. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.  To have mercy is to be loving and kind to others.  This doesn't mind just being loving and kind to your family and friends but also to those who you might not know and even those you don't like.
  5. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.  Being pure is like having a clean heart.  Like the heart inside of us, it pumps blood and keeps us alive and if something is wrong with our heart we won't work right.  Jesus is talking about the place where we think and make decisions, why we do things, and our thoughts.  If we keep our mind, thoughts and decisions full of good, God says we'll understand Him more.
  6. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.  The simplest way to explain this is someone who makes peace.  Helping others to get along would be a big part of it.  The second part of this beatitude says: then you will be called the children of God.  Being God's child would mean that you truly are a part of God's family and that you're starting to be more like Him; just like we are with our parents.
  7. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  God knows that being who He wants is not the way the world acts.  By doing the opposite of the world we will be made fun of or worse because people don't understand why we don't do things only for ourselves.  By living a life doing things for others confuses the way the world thinks.  A lot of people in the world want beauty, money, and don't care about others as long as they get what they want.  This is opposite to the life God wants us to lead.  Doing the right thing isn't easy but God wants us to know that the kingdom of heaven is waiting for us if we can get through the tough times in this life.

The beatitudes end saying that we should rejoice and be glad because by following these we will receive great treasures in heaven.
God promises that we will be blessed if we follow these teachings but it's won't be easy.  We all are still figuring out how to do these things.  Don't be discouraged.  God calls us to be different than the rest of the world.

Keep in mind that the beatitudes are impossible to do without God's help.  He wants to help and be a big part of decisions you make and all that you do. 

Jesus didn't give us these beatitudes and then want us to fail.  He wanted to give us something to aim for, to work on our whole life to try to achieve. 

 He wants us to try our best and give us a life full of blessings and reward us even bigger in heaven someday. 


Thursday 8 May 2014


LESSON 11&12 11TH MAY 2014


Q. What is the Ninth Commandment?
A. The Ninth Commandment is: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor´s wife.

Q. What are we commanded by the Ninth Commandment?
A. We are commanded by the Ninth Commandment to keep ourselves pure in thought and desire.

Q. What is forbidden by the Ninth Commandment?
A. The Ninth Commandment forbids unchaste thoughts, desires of another´s wife or husband, and all other unlawful impure thoughts and desires.

Q. Are impure thoughts and desires always sins?
A. Impure thoughts and desires are always sins, unless they displease us and we try to banish them.

Q. What is the Tenth Commandment?
A. The Tenth Commandment is: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor´s goods.
"Covet" means to long for or desire inordinately or unlawfully. If I should desire, for example, my friend to be killed by an accident, in order that I might become the owner of his gold watch, I would be coveting it. But if I desired to have it justly--that is, to be able to purchase it, or another similar to it, that would not be covetousness.

Q. What are we commanded by the Tenth Commandment?
A. By the Tenth Commandment we are commanded to be content with what we have, and to rejoice in our neighbor´s welfare.

Q. What is forbidden by the Tenth Commandment?

A. The Tenth Commandment forbids all desires to take or keep wrongfully what belongs to another.


Do you guard your thoughts? 
Do you fail to keep your mind out of trouble?
Do you always think about things you can’t have?
Do you ever feel jealous of others?
Do you have unholy thoughts about others?
Do you want to destroy what others have, because you can’t have it?
Do you fail to trust in what God has in His plan for you?
Do you judge others?
Are you selfish?
Are material possessions the purpose of my life? 
Have I been greedy or desired to amass earthly goods without limit?


4th May 2014


A.MEMORY VERSES Match the correct bible passage with the verse (10marks)


Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:105
Children,obey your parents in all things.
Colossians 3;20
"Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
Exodus 20:12
Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.
The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous runs into it and is safe.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.
Phillpians 4:13
A honest witness does not lie, a false witness breaths lies
Be still, and know that I am God
Psalm 46:10
Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Luke 6:31


1. "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me" is which commandment?

2. "Thou shalt not commit adultery" is which commandment?

3. Which commandment tells us that we should not steal?
4. In which commandment are we told not to make any graven images?

5. We are told not to covet anything that our neighbour's have in which commandment?

6. "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" is which commandment?

7. If a person were to say to you "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain" they would be referring to the _____ commandment?

8. "Honour thy father and thy mother" is which commandment?

9. "Thou shalt not kill" is the _____ commandment.

10. "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy" is the _____ commandment.

11. What day is the Sabbath day to us?
C.Jesus Christ has become our Sabbath
D.Friday sunset to Sunday sunset

12. In what book of the Bible will you find the Ten Commandments?

13. The commandment that states "Thou shalt not commit adultery also forbids_____.
A.bad and vulgar words,
B.immodest dressing
C.bad movies and magazines with pornography,
D.all the above

14. When we have troubles in life, we should turn to _____ for help.
A.a fortune teller
B.some self help book idol

15. Your neighbour's have everything in life that you ever wanted. What do you do?
A.steal it from them when they are asleep angry because you don't have everything you want happy with what you do have envious of them

16. The commandment honour your father and mother also tells us to respect
A.teachers and school leaders
B.our superiors and government
C.grandparents and elders
D.all the above

17. A graven image is _____?
A.something God told us not to make
B.a carving in wood or stone that some people worship
C.a idol
D.all of the above

18. When a person uses the names God, Lord or Jesus Christ and they are not praying to Them or talking to someone about Them, they are _____?
A.doing nothing wrong
B.exercising their freedom of speech
C.using the Names in vain
D.what ever they are doing is none of your business

19. You found twenty Ringgit on the floor in your classroom. What do you do with it?
A.keep it and thank God for the blessing your friend a gift yourself a gift
D.try and find out who's it is and give it back to them

20. Cheating on your spouse is _____?
A.hurting the ones that love you
B.setting a bad example for your family
D.all of the above